PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Tbk ( TPSF ) is a public company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2003 which initially only engaged in the food business ( TPS Food) . In line with the business transformation process that began in 2009 , TPSF has become one of the companies included in the Index Kompas 100 . In 2011, TPSF became one of the companies in “A List of the Top 40 Best Performing Listed Company” list of Forbes Indonesia Magazine. In 2012, TPSF received Indonesia Best Corporate Transformation award from SWA Magazine. In addition, TPSF received Asia’s Best Companies 2014 award for Best Small Cap category from Finance Asia and was included in 20 Rising Global Stars list from Forbes Indonesia in 2014. PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Tbk presents itself in food industry with awareness that the industry must be engaged with innovations and creation of quality products with excellent competency. To further affirm the Company’s presence, we place ourselves to become the food producer that employs state-of-the-art technology. Aligned with strong commitment and continuous innovation, the Company’s contribution to industrial gains will advance.
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