Wallis And Futuna Islands

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Population (2023)


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$ 188M

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Unesco World Heritage

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Wallis and Futuna Islands, a French overseas collectivity in the South Pacific, embody a remote and idyllic archipelago. Comprising three main volcanic islands, Wallis, Futuna, and Alofi, the territory reflects a unique blend of Polynesian and French cultures. The islands boast pristine landscapes, coral reefs, and a traditional way of life. Governed by France, Wallis and Futuna maintain a delicate balance between preserving their cultural heritage and integrating into the broader French administrative framework. Despite their small size, these islands hold a distinct charm, attracting those seeking a glimpse into a Pacific paradise with a touch of European influence.

Capital City Mata-Utu
Leader Blaise Gourtay
Government System Not specified
Official Language Not specified

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