Saint Vincent And The Grenadines

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Population (2022)


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$ 1.1B

Gross Domestic Product


Unesco World Heritage

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Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, an eastern Caribbean nation, is known for its stunning tropical landscapes, vibrant coral reefs, and a collection of 32 islands and cays. Kingstown, the capital located on Saint Vincent Island, features a lively market and colonial-era architecture. The Grenadines, including Bequia, Mustique, and Union Island, offer idyllic beaches and opportunities for sailing and diving. The Tobago Cays, part of the nation's marine park, are renowned for their crystal-clear waters and diverse marine life. Rich in culture, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines host traditional festivals such as Vincy Mas, showcasing music, dance, and vibrant costumes. With a mix of natural beauty and cultural richness, the nation stands as a tropical paradise in the Caribbean.

Capital City Kingstown
Leader Bernard Briand
Government System Monarchy
Official Language Not specified

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