Trinidad And Tobago

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Population (2024)


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$ 28.4B

Gross Domestic Product


Unesco World Heritage

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Trinidad and Tobago, a twin-island nation in the southern Caribbean, is known for its vibrant culture, diverse landscapes, and energetic Carnival celebrations. Port of Spain, the capital on Trinidad, reflects a mix of colonial and modern architecture, while the smaller Tobago offers pristine beaches and lush rainforests. The country's rich cultural heritage is evident in its music, particularly calypso and soca, and the steelpan, which originated here. With a strong economy based on oil and gas, Trinidad and Tobago have experienced periods of economic growth. The warmth of the people, coupled with the natural beauty and lively festivals, make the islands a unique and dynamic destination.

Capital City Port of Spain
President Christine Kangaloo
Government System Republic
Official Language Not specified

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